Vince Caminiti Lead Guitar

AKA: "The Godfather" and "Vinnie"

Vince has jammed with blues legends: Ronnie Earl, Anson Funderburgh, Danny Kalb, Coco Montoya, Murali Coryell, The Nighthawks and Taj Mahal. From the Bitter End in NYC to the Boom Boom Room in San Francisco, Vince has played rock, blues, soul, R and B and funk for over 25 years.


  • Studied music at Julliard
  • Studied with Jeff Tamalier (Tower of Power)
  • Is a regular at the National Guitar Workshop


  • Suffers from the dreaded afflicition G. A. S.
    (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)
  • Lives in Pacifica, California
  • Two kids
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